In the business world, most companies prefer using Firefox since it provides security on the web browsing. It also let you do private browsing on the web. For more information on Firefox, check out the article on “Comparisons on all Major Web Browsers” under Mozilla Firefox. Today, we are going to show you how to setup Firefox sync on your computer.
Instructions on setting up your Firefox Sync on computer:
Click on the Firefox button, located in the upper left hand corner of your browser window. When the drop-down menu appears, click on the Set Up Sync.
Note: If you don’t see Firefox button you can go to Tools on menu-bar when the drop down menu appears, click on Set Up Sync.
Once you click on Set Up Sync, the Firefox Sync Setup dialog should now be displayed, overlaying your browser window. To activate Firefox Sync, you must first create an account. Click on the Create a New Account button.
The Account Details screen should now be displayed. First enter the email address that you wish to be associated with your Firefox Sync account in the Email Address section. In the example on the right, I have entered Next, enter your desired account password twice, once in the Password section and again in the Confirm Password section.
Note: Make sure your password does contain special at one of symbols like # @ $ % etc. to make it password sensitive.
Optional Step: By default, your Sync settings will be stored on one of Mozilla’s designated servers. If you are not comfortable with this and have your own server that you would like to use, the option is available via the Server drop-down.
Finally, click on the check-box to acknowledge that you agree to the Firefox Sync Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in Step 3. Once you are satisfied with your entries, click on the Next button.
Optional Step: All data shared across your devices via Firefox Sync is encrypted for security purposes. In order to decrypt this data on other machines and devices, a Sync Key is required. This key is provided at this point only and cannot be recovered if lost. As you can see in the example to the right, you are given the ability to print and/or save this key using the buttons provided. It is recommended that you do both and that you keep your Sync Key in a safe place.
Once you have safely stored your key, click on the Next button.
In an effort to combat bots, the Firefox Sync setup process utilizes the reCAPTCHA service. Enter the word(s) shown in the edit field provided and click on the Next button.
Your Firefox Sync account has now been created. Click on the Finish button. A new Firefox tab or window will now open, providing instructions on how to sync your devices. Close this tab or window once you are done.
Congratulations on setting up your Firefox Sync on your computer. Note: If you want to install other devices check out my other article on “How to setup Firefox Sync on your I-Phone?” to continue this tutorial. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Centennial Arts at 979-209-0774.